Hey folks!! Horrible news for me - my harddrive just stopped turning on, and I held all my files so dearly!! I don't have a bunch of them backed up, people are telling me there is a way to recover my data, but I can't just sit here without my arts on the Desktop - it's like I was drawing power from them, folks! Could you please help me identify these arts??
These are cutouts from a screenshot of my Desktop I have - one of them is Natalie from Epic Battle Fantasy, and this art is somewhere here on NG! The other is a fanart for Untitled Goose Game, and I don't know where it can be found - perhaps also here? If you know these artworks, please help me get their full size, so I can be comfortable! It's like, I am having little panic attacks with my harddrive being like busted, this would mean a lot to me folks! If I can at least make this current Desktop feel like mine, I'd stop panicking, at least...
Edit: Found them!!!!! The goose is from Zandraart!! Gosh, at least that's something for comfort, folks!..
Tried for like an hour, no luck so far. :(
Aww, holy moly, thank you very much for the effort!! I've tried it too... Goodness, I really rely on those, I'll keep searching...
EDIT: I found Natalie!!!! It's by Epifex if you're interested!! I found it via Google, so I suppose it wasn't on NG??